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Project Managers

The primary function of a TMI® Project Manager is to layout a TMI® Piping System to suit the customer's plant and equipment arrangement. The Managers are able to work in house, at site or at the Engineering Consultants office to efficiently implement a TMI® Piping System into their design.

All the activities related to the procurement of equipment and materials for each project are handled by the same Project Coordinator to maintain accuracy and continuity.

Close contact between the site personnel and TMI® Project Managers is maintained throughout the duration of the project. Communication with TMI® Field Technicians, Consultants, Owner's Representatives, OEM's and General Contractors ensure compliance with the established scope of work. This involvement provides each project with immediate service and attention to detail that is required on every job site.

Utilizing Autodesk 2-D and 3-D modeling software, practical engineering piping solutions such as distribution manifolds can be generated at the early design phase which may result in saving time and money in the field.

Prefabrication of complete piping systems can also be achieved by electronically overlaying the TMI® piping system directly onto the customer's equipment layout drawings via the internet. Once approved for construction, manufacturing shop drawings are produced and issued for prefabrication in our 55,000 Sq. Ft. facility. Prior to shipping, pre-assembly and verification by the Project Manager against the overall piping system layout is carried out.

Through continual education, development and total team effort, Tube-Mac® is able to support all phases of a TMI® piping system before, during and after construction.