tubemac header2016
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Noticias corporativas

TUBE-MAC PIPING TECHNOLOGIES will culminate soon the hydraulic piping installation of its third tuna freezer vessel for murueta shipyard

tuna freezingTUBE-MAC PIPING TECHNOLOGIES (TM) has carried out the prefabrication, installation and testing of the hydraulic piping of the fishing equipment supplied by Técnicas Hidráulicas (Marco), for the tuna freezer vessel which Murueta Shipyard is building for Atuncasa (B304-Gran Roque).

Prior to this construction, TM has also carried out the hydraulic piping installation in their Erandio yard of two other tuna freezer vessels for the Bermeo based shipowner Atunsa (B297- Egalabur), and the Spanish-Ecuatorian shipowner Pesquera Ugavi (B296- Jocay).

Tube-Mac Piping Technologies thanks Astilleros de Murueta, and the shipowners Atunsa, Pesquera Ugavi and Atuncasa , for their willingness and commitment on the application of innovative techniques on the hydraulic piping.