

Tube-Mac® Product Catalogue

Download Full Tube-Mac® Catalogue

You can also download individual sections of the catalogue below.

Table of Contents
Section A: Introduction
Section B: Technical Data
Section C: Design Guide and Pipe Selection
Section D: 16 bar 90° Flare Flange
Section E: ANSI 150 and 300 Flare Flange
Section F: SAE 1000 PSI, 70 bar
Section G: SAE 3000 PSI, 210 bar
Section H: SAE 6000 PSI, 420 bar
Section I: SAE 10000 PSI, 690 bar
Section J: ISO 6164, 400 bar
Section K: ISO 6164, 400 bar F10 Flare - COMING SOON
Section L: Clamp Support Heavy Series
Section M: Valves, Ball and Check

Special Notes and Disclaimer:

We reserve the right to alter the design or discontinue any of the products or services without notice. Diagrams and 3-D Models are for illustrative purposes only and are not to scale. Dimensions and weights are nominal (not exact) and may be subject to change. Despite our commitment and best efforts to maintain accuracy, errors will occur, and the content of the catalogue is subject to misprints.